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Sleep characteristics modify the association of genetic predisposition with obesity and anthropometric measurements in 119,679 UK Biobank participants
obesity sleep chronotype nap shift work night-shift workers genetic risk score genes
Background: Obesity is a multifactorial condition influenced by genetics, lifestyle, and environment.
Anthropometry: continued refinements and new developments of an ancient method
Anthropometry continued refinements new developments of an ancient method
More than half a million people were displaced for >1 y during a 2012 conflict in Sudan (1). The ongoing violence led civilians to seek shelter in caves and to disperse in mountainous regions for safe...
Comparison of associations of maternal peri-pregnancy and paternal anthropometrics with child anthropometrics from birth through age 7 y assessed in the Danish National Birth Cohort
intrauterine environment intergenerational relations parental BMI parental overweight child anthropometry childhood overweight
Background: Maternal prepregnancy adiposity may influence child adiposity beyond the transmitted genetic effects, which, if true, may accelerate the obesity epidemic, but the evidence for this mechani...
Comparison of associations of maternal peri-pregnancy and paternal anthropometrics with child anthropometrics from birth through age 7 y assessed in the Danish National Birth Cohort
intrauterine environment intergenerational relations parental BMI parental overweight child anthropometry childhood overweight
Background: Maternal prepregnancy adiposity may influence child adiposity beyond the transmitted genetic effects, which, if true, may accelerate the obesity epidemic, but the evidence for this mechani...
Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: an individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the COllaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins (CODATwins) study
BMI children genetics international comparisons twins
Background: Both genetic and environmental factors are known to affect body mass index (BMI), but detailed understanding of how their effects differ during childhood and adolescence is lacking.
Using growth velocity to predict child mortality
anthropometry, longitudinal growth, mortality, prediction, WHO growth velocity standards
Background: Growth assessment based on the WHO child growth velocity standards can potentially be used to predict adverse health outcomes. Nevertheless, there are very few studies on growth velocity t...
在海南琼海市和万宁市的城市和乡村调查了汉族643例(男为334例,女为309例)成人的22项头面部体质指标,计算了13项头面部体质指数,对海南汉族头面部形态特征的年龄变化进行了初步分析.结果显示:① 眼内角间宽、眼外角间宽、唇高、红唇厚度这4项指标值与年龄呈负相关.上唇皮肤部高度、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽、面颊皮褶这4项指标值与年龄呈正相关.并且上述指标值在不同年龄组中存在有统计学意义的差异.② 随年龄...
广东 汉族 舌运动
If our mind is just an algorithm running on a flesh hardware, then it seems that there is no place for the free-will. An algorithm decides everything based on deterministic computations, or on random ...
Consciousness, Agents and the Knowledge Game
Artificial agents consciousness inferentialism zombies.
This paper has three goals. The first is to introduce the “knowledge game”, a new, simple and yet powerful tool for analysing some intriguing philosophical questions. The second is to apply the knowle...
微卫星 多态性 进化 非同源座位
微卫星已被广泛应用于群体遗传学、生态学和进化生物学研究。然而,一些物种微卫星尚未克隆。为了节省时间和经费,研究人员往往使用一个物种已发表的微卫星引物扩增其近缘物种的微卫星。该研究对属于3个不同科(Clariidae、Heteropneustidae 和Pimelodidae)的7个鲶鱼物种的微卫星跨物种PCR扩增产物进行了序列分析,研究发现扩增非同源(non-orthologous)产物是微卫星跨...