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7 March 2007,The Great Western Research initiative is a five-year, £14-million investment which aims to catalyse cutting-edge research collaboration between higher education institutions and bus...
May 24, 2007,Researchers have long known that negative stereotypes undermine performance in the area related to the stereotype. Women, for example, underperform on math tests after being told men tend...
16 May 2007,The General Relativity group of the University of Southampton’s School of Mathematics has been awarded a rolling grant worth £1.7m by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
25 April 2007,Popular TV personality Johnny Ball will be visiting Loughborough University next week to open its new Mathematics and Statistics Support Centre.
April 25, 2007,LAWRENCE — Six University of Kansas students with an affinity for solving math problems won cash awards totaling more than $1,500 in the 25th annual KU Mathematics Prize Competition.
16 Apr 2007,Some of USQ’s brightest maths and computing and science students have made a lasting impression on the international stage, after competing in the 2007 Mathematical Contest in Modelling.
April 18, 2007,UPTON, NY – A Commack Middle School team won first place in the Regional Middle School Science Bowl held April 14 at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory. One ...
14 April 2007,SAN FRANCISCO—Despite public perceptions that local school boards are battlegrounds over evolution and other science-related issues, board members in the Kansas City area are far more co...
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2007 to Srinivasa S.R. Varadhan, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York. He receives the prize “for h...
April 9, 2007,ECE graduate student Dominic Siriani received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) award on March 26.
26 March 2007,More than 500 participants in an innovative National Science Foundation program that places graduate students in K-12 classrooms gathered for their annual meeting in Washington, D.C., to...
Congress commends E8 math team     E8 math  physics       2007/3/29
March 28, 2007,A major mathematical feat by a team of 18 scientists, including two from MIT, has received a commendation from Congress, one week after the work made international headlines after being...
27 March 2007,The Faculty of Mathematics has announced the winner of one of the University's oldest and most prestigious prizes.The Adams Prize is awarded jointly each year by the Faculty of Mathemati...
Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Curtin University of provides a range of courses which will equip students with the necessary mathematical expertise to deal with problems encountered in an...
March 18, 2007,An international team of 18 mathematicians, including two from MIT, has mapped one of the largest and most complicated structures in mathematics. If written out on paper, the calculatio...









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