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近日,上海微系统所超导电子实验室/中科院超导电子学卓越创新中心尤立星研究员受邀在Nanophotonics(IF=7.491)上发表了题为“Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors for quantum information”的综述文章【https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2020-0186;Nanophoton...

近日,光子、光学类国际权威期刊Nanophotonics刊登了我校航空航天学院杨元杰副研究员的论文“Anomalous Bessel vortex beam: modulating orbital angular momentum with propagation”(反常贝塞尔涡旋光束:利用传输操控轨道角动量)。该论文由杨元杰和苏州大学蔡阳健(国家杰出青年基金获得者)课题组合作完成,杨元杰为论文第...
Optics has long represented the frontline for both exploring and exploiting quantum mechanical effects. The nexus of these efforts spawned quantum optics, a field now poised to revolutionize key techn...
2017光学MEMS和纳米光子学国际会议(2017 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics)
2017 光学MEMS和纳米光子学 国际会议
The 2017 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), will be held August 13-17, 2017, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. The conference will be hosted by NIST and co-sponsored by NIST...
2017ChinaNANO纳米光子学和等离子体学专题会议(Session 8.Nanophotonics and Plasmonics)
2017 ChinaNANO 纳米光子学和等离子体学 专题会议
Nanophotonics and Plasmonics are rapidly emerging interdisciplinary fields on the cutting edge of photonics, metamaterials, optical spectroscopy, and photoelectric conversion based on nanotechnology. ...
The symposium will be an interdisciplinary forum for collaboration and learning among top researchers in all fields related to nano- and microscale materials and technologies. This event will take pla...
2017OSA量子纳米光子学专题会议(Quantum Nanophotonics)。
OPTO is organized into eight tracks. Choose a track and click to see the list of conferences.Review conference details by clicking on the titles below. These details include paper titles, authors, sch...
The 14th International Conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics, and Related Techniques (NFO-14)
Near-Field Optics Nanophotonics
We are very pleased to welcome you to “The 14th International Conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics, and Related Techniques (NFO-14).” NFO has been held every second year since 1992 at Besanc...
2016 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN)
nanophotonics nanophotonic devices
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 2016 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), to be held on 31 July‐04 August 2016, in Singapore.
CMOS Integrated Nanophotonics – Enabling Technology for Exascale Computing Systems
CMOS Integrated Nanophotonics Enabling Technology Exascale Computing Systems
CMOS Integrated Nanophotonics allows ultra-dense monolithic single-chip integration of optical and electrical functions. This technology can enable future Exaflops supercomputers by connecting racks, ...

1月18至19日,由中科院物理所、中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所(Co-sponsor)共同举办的“Sympsium on Nanophotonics and Renewable Energy”在中科院物理所隆重召开,中科院物理所长王玉鹏到会致贺词,上海微系统所长助理孙晓玮研究员到会,并与国际太阳能电池研究单位 进行交流,易亚沙研究员主持了会议,上海微系统所蒋寻涯研究员、周健副研究员分别主持了分...

上海微系统所协办纳米光子学和可再生能源国际会议——“Sympsium on Nanophotonics and Renewable Energy”(图)
纳米光子学 能源 国际会议
1月18至19日,由中科院物理所、中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所(Co-sponsor)共同举办的“Sympsium on Nanophotonics and Renewable Energy”在中科院物理所隆重召开,中科院物理所长王玉鹏到会致贺词,上海微系统所长助理孙晓玮研究员到会,并与国际太阳能电池研究单位 进行交流,易亚沙研究员主持了会议,上海微系统所蒋寻涯研究员、周健副研究员分别主持了分...

上海微系统所协办纳米光子学和可再生能源国际会议——“Sympsium on Nanophotonics and Renewable Energy”(图)
纳米 光子学 能源 国际会议
2011年1月18至19日,由中科院物理所、中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所(Co-sponsor)共同举办的“Sympsium on Nanophotonics and Renewable Energy”在中科院物理所隆重召开,中科院物理所长王玉鹏到会致贺词,上海微系统所长助理孙晓玮研究员到会,并与国际太阳能电池研究单位 进行交流,易亚沙研究员主持了会议,上海微系统所蒋寻涯研究员、周健副研究员分...
Nanophotonics Advance Could Boost Biomolecular Studies and Sensor Capabilities
Nanophotonics Advance Boost Biomolecular Studies Sensor Capabilities
An interdisciplinary team of researchers led by Assistant Professor Hatice Altug (ECE) has created a highly sensitive, infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy technique that can identify specific protei...