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Continental magmatic arc systems are commonly characterized by periods of high-flux magmatism. This magmatism intrudes into the host rocks to the arc, which generally consist of metasedimentary rocks....
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Long time behavior of the Sine-Gordon equation
正弦 戈登方程 长时间行为 黎曼-希尔伯特问题
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Dynamics of multi-solitons to Klein-Gordon equations
多孤子 克莱因-戈登方程 动力学
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Nonrelativistic limit of the Klein-Gordon equations: convergence rates and long time approximations
克莱因-戈登方程 非相对论极限 收敛率 长时间近似
Richard Gordon Strom教授获2019年度中国科学院国际科技合作奖(图)
Richard Gordon Strom 教授 2019年度 中国科学院 国际科技合作奖 射电天文
2020年1月16日上午,中国科学院2020年工作会议在中国科学院大学雁栖湖校区召开。会上,中国科学院副院长张亚平宣读了2019年度中国科学院国际科技合作奖获奖名单和表彰决定,国家天文台推荐的Richard Gordon Strom教授、中国科学院大学推荐的Sokrates Theodore Pantelides教授和沈阳生态所推荐的Ewald Schnug教授获奖,三家推荐单位同时得到表彰。中国...
Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan Research Team a Finalist for the 2019 Gordon Bell Prize(图)
Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan Finalis 2019 Gordon Bell Prize
Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor, Vikram Gavini, along with his group members Sambit Das (PhD student, ME) and Dr. Phani Motamarri (Assistant Research Scientist, ME) have taken great strides...
暨南大学物理学系杨峤立副教授被授予2019年Gordon和Betty Moore基础物理学创新奖(图)
暨南大学物理学系 杨峤立 副教授 2019年 Gordon和Betty Moore 基础物理学 创新奖
2019年6月14日,物理学系杨峤立副教授被授予Gordon和Betty Moore基础物理学创新奖。代表着暨南大学物理学系教学科研水平的不断提高和学术影响力的日益提升。杨峤立副教授和佛罗里达大学Pierre Sikivie教授提出了暗物质是处于玻色爱因斯坦凝聚状态的轴子,对暗物质的本质作了崭新的诠释。轴子是一种理论上预测的新的基本粒子,现在还未被实验探测到,但是理论学家普遍认为其是一种非常有希望...
德国汉堡大学Gordon Mitchell教授应邀来首都师范大学初等教育学院进行学术讲座(图)
德国汉堡大学 Gordon Mitchell 教授 首都师范大学初等教育学院 学术讲座
2019年7月2日下午,德国汉堡大学Gordon Mitchell教授应邀来初等教育学院做《生命取向视角的创造性思维培养》学术讲座。初等教育学院院长刘慧教授、张志坤副教授、欧璐莎副教授、李敏副教授、傅添博士、钟晓琳博士、魏戈博士,各院系博士生、研究生以及国际小学期工作坊学员共计40余人参与了本次讲座,本次讲座到场的还有德国汉堡大学王怡博士、高等教育出版社小学教育分社社长肖冬民老师。刘慧教授担任主持...
Gordon Wallace教授是澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(University of Wollongong)的终身教授,智能聚合物研究所(Intelligent Polymer Research Institute)所长,澳大利亚研究委员会(Australian Research Council, ARC)桂冠院士(Laureate Fellow)。已培养博士生近100名,发表文章900余篇,总共引用...
2018年工业生态学戈登研究会议(The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology)
2018年 工业生态学 戈登研究 会议
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) issued by the UN General Assembly aim to globally end all forms of poverty and achieve sustainable development by the year 2030. Natural resource use and env...
2018年分子和离子团簇戈登研究会议(The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Ionic Clusters)
2018年 分子和离子团簇戈登研究 会议
The Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Ionic Clusters focuses on the study of molecular aggregates and the fundamental molecular physics underpinning their structure, dynamics, and optical pr...
2018年天然气水合物系统戈登研究会议(Natural Gas Hydrate Systems Gordon Research Conference)
2018年 天然气水合物系统戈登研究 会议
The 2018 Natural Gas Hydrate Systems Gordon Research Conference will aim to link the latest advances on our understanding of gas hydrate science at the most fundamental level to the current research i...
2018年糖脂和鞘脂生物学戈登研究会议(Glycolipid and Sphingolipid Biology Gordon Research Conference)
2018年 糖脂和鞘脂生物学戈登研究 会议
The 15th Gordon Research Conference on Glycolipid and Sphingolipid Biology will be held from February 11-16, 2018 at the Hotel Galvez in Galveston, Texas, a lovely secluded seaside venue, which provid...
2018年胶体,大分子和聚电解质溶液戈登研究会议(The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal,Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions)
2018年 胶体,大分子和聚电解质溶液戈登研究 会议
Colloidal, macromolecular, and polyelectrolyte solutions are of abiding interest not only because of the fascinating range of phenomena they display, but because of their tremendous utility. In many a...
2018年肽化学和生物学戈登研究会议(The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Biology of Peptides)
2018年 肽化学和生物学戈登研究 会议
Although more than a century has elapsed since the first synthesis of a dipeptide by Emil Fischer in 1901, the field of Peptide Science is more dynamic and vibrant than ever. The 2018 Chemistry and Bi...